In Premier Mimshach Group Limited, the health and safety of our employees, contractors and environs in which we operate are priority at all times. We nurture a safety culture and it is the responsibility of everyone to prevent, manage or reduce risks and build a safe environment for our customers, contractors, host communities and us. Our workforce truly believes that incidents are preventable, and we have policies, processes, tools and behavioral expectations in place to assist us in achieving that goal.

We believe in protecting our tomorrow today, hence the emergence of our basic safety rules. These basic safety rules include personal safety, operational safety and road safety. Our Quality control, Health, Safety, Security and Environment Polices (QHSSE) policies are in sync with the governmental laws in the areas in which we operate.


  • Work with a valid Identity Card always.
  • Work with a valid work permit when required.
  • Obtain authorization before entering a confined area.
  • Obtain authorization before overriding or disabling critical equipment.
  • Do not smoke outside designated smoking areas.
  • No alcohol or drugs while working or driving.
  • While driving do not use your mobile phones or exceed speed limits.
  • Wear your safety boots in designated areas.
  • Wear your safety helmets in designated areas.


We ensure our staffs are fit for work and not exposed to long or short term health risks, in the execution of work. Staffs only undertake work for which they are suitably trained, competent, medically fit and sufficiently rested and alert to carry out.
Staffs are provided with Quality control, Health, Safety, Security and Environment Policies (QHSSE) regulations, information, training, supervision when required and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to aid us achieve and maintain our QHSSE objective of zero casualties and accidents.


We are not limited to culturing only our staffs to abide by the road safety rules of our areas of operations, but our vendors as well. We are committed to safely handling and transporting our customers’ products in a very safe and responsible manner.


We are devoted to managing and reducing risk to ensure safe, dependable and compliant operations. This requires dedication from our entire staff and distinct leadership behaviors. Our vendors also develop processes and standards specific to their operations and ensure consistency with the Premier Mimshach Group’s operating standards.


Third parties working on our behalf affect our operations and reputation. Thus it is compulsory they carry out their operations in line with our policies and values, Third party services are assessed and selected based on their ability to perform in a safe, professional and environmental compliant manner.
Their performances are consistently monitored and assessed and deficiencies are corrected while non-compliance to our values and operational standards lead to immediate termination of contracts or agreements.

“your challenge is our opportunity”